“Introducing Mabox Linux 20.10: The Manjaro Spin Featuring a Sleek Openbox Window Manager – Fossbytes”

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Introducing Mabox Linux 20.10: Boost Your Computing Experience with New Features and Improvements.

Mabox Linux, the highly-efficient Manjaro-based operating system inspired by CrunchBang Linux, has announced the release of its newest version, Mabox Linux 20.10 “Eithné.” This update brings a plethora of fresh features and enhancements, including a long-term Linux kernel 5.4, full Spanish translation, and more.

Mabox’s brand-new update delivers several incredible improvements to enhance users’ overall experience. Firstly, for Spanish speakers, rejoice! Mabox Linux is now completely translated into Spanish, including all Mabox-specific tools such as the Mabox Control Center, Welcome Screen, Conky/Tint2 Manager, and more. You can even customize your installation with a Spanish language option at boot time. Additionally, language-specific ISOs are no longer available, as Mabox offers one core ISO with multiple language and keyboard options to choose from during installation.

As Mabox Linux is a Manjaro spin, it features a majority of software packages from Manjaro’s official repositories, as well as from Mabox’s own package repository. In Mabox 20.10, the resource monitoring tool Bpytop has replaced Bashtop, and Yadsu has taken over Zensu to provide graphical front-ends to su and sudo. The Mabox Linux Desktop components, such as side panels and the menu, have also received significant improvements, including the ability to change size and font, show or hide icons, select themes, and customize color schemes to your liking.

Other notable changes in Mabox Linux 20.10 include improved autostart handling of services/applications, an easier GUI-based Tint2 panel configuration, and brand new menus and helpers for a sleeker and more user-friendly experience.

For more details on what’s new in Mabox 20.10, check out the official release notes on their website. And if you’re eager to try out this impressive operating system, simply download the ISO image from the official repository or click the button below. Elevate your computing experience with Mabox Linux 20.10 today!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiXGh0dHBzOi8vZm9zc2J5dGVzLmNvbS9tYWJveC1saW51eC0yMC0xMC1yZWxlYXNlZC1hLW1hbmphcm8tc3Bpbi13aXRoLWxpZ2h0d2VpZ2h0LW9wZW5ib3gtd20v0gFgaHR0cHM6Ly9mb3NzYnl0ZXMuY29tL21hYm94LWxpbnV4LTIwLTEwLXJlbGVhc2VkLWEtbWFuamFyby1zcGluLXdpdGgtbGlnaHR3ZWlnaHQtb3BlbmJveC13bS9hbXAv?oc=5

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